Spring/ Summer Special Events

Holy Trinity, Hethe

Holy Trinity Church is on Hardwick Road, Hethe OX27 8AW (Tel 01869 277630). 
Find the church on a map here.

One of the quarterly Traditional Masses celebrated in this lovely church, this is close to its annual Patronal Feast, Trinity Sunday.

In 2019, Whitsun falls on Sunday 9th June.


Holy Trinity, Hethe, is the oldest working Catholic church in Oxfordshire, with the exception of the chapel at Mapldurham: for more information about its history, see here.


Ember Saturday of Pentecost 
at Holy Rood, Abingdon Road

In 2019 this falls on Saturday 15th June. Mass is at 11am

Holy Rood Church is located in the Abingdon Road (on the east side: on the left going south out of central Oxford) close to Folly Bridge, opposite Western Road. It has its own car park. The postcode is OX1 4LD. Click for a map.

The Ember Days are a feature of the ancient Roman calendar which sanctify the four seasons of the year: in Advent, Lent, in Pentecost week, and in September. The Ember days which follow Whitsun (Pentecost) continue the celebration of the coming of the Holy Spirit on the disciples, the 'birthday of the Church'.


Fr Daniel Lloyd celebrates Low Mass in the Extraordinary Form in Holy Rood each Friday at 12:30pm; his first Sung Mass in Holy Rood, in the photograph above, took place in November 2016.


Mass in Milton Manor House

Date for 2019: Saturday 4th May, Mass is at 11:30am. 
Mass will be accompanied with chant by the Schola Abelis.

Milton Manor is between Didcot and Abingdon, near the A34; the entrance to the house is off Milton Village's High Street. Postcode OX14 4EN. Click for a map.

High Mass at Milton Manor for the 250th anniversary.
Milton Manor is one of the historic Catholic houses where the Mass was said and the Faith preserved through the dark days of 'penal times'. The chapel at Milton Manor celebrated its 250 anniversary in 2015, which we marked with a particularly splendid High Mass.

The chapel was consecrated by Bishop Richard Challoner, and celebrants at LMS Masses often use Challoner's vestments, and always his his altar cards and chalice.